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(August 19th - Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine)
(OKM) Kommodore Mwhitman, Chef des Stabes der 2. Angriffsdivision released a video where members of his Division attacked and sunk a british Destroyer.. with Fairmilles and infantry! Discuss.
Gyrfalk, the British Destroyer Captain, explains: " Well guys that DD was me.I have litle experience with DDs , i just got rank a week or so ago.Still here is my side of the story.Me and 2 other destroyers (i wont give names if they want to step in its ok) got close to the canal and there was a DD there being pounded by fmbs. I shelled them both but one was sheltering behind the DD so i went to the canal to sink him. 2 others came to help, dont remember if they were 1 or 2 but anyway i killed them them too and proceed to find a DD near BOZ and face him.He released a few torps but to no effect, and i opened with my bow guns and he did the same i think he got major damage because he despawned.Then i was expecting another DD hidden to the west but 3 fairmiles just advanced full speed all guns blazing. I had a lot of damage by then, no ammo in the bow guns, and they managed to get all my guns very quickly.Now the worst part was i thought i had 2 friendlies behind me helping...well i was wrong they moved west and left me by myself facing the odds. One even told i was *****in.Ok i said lets see where these leads..slowly started to move west trying to get some speed and disengage but the fmbs got my engines or propeler and caught up with me..it was fun cause from there on i had 1 110 shooting me 3 fmbs and an EDD far that shot me a few times but he didnt make a move. I heard shots of a rifleman too. I laughed a bit too, hehe .I just sat there to see what happens next but no i did not yelled on comms or anything and the DD that came, did it on his own decision not because i didnt cry for help.Off course i warned him of the far DD and he got him by surprise .. and sunk him.I then startd list and gluu gluu.I knew this would give a great story for all those guys around me so i didnt despawn .Anyway this is what ww2ol is about or it should be.. a good gaming experience.S! all and good game keep those wolf packs teams, navy needs more pplGyrPS- Some of were very quick to judge my actions and call me an idiot, but maybe those should look in the mirror a bit more..."
Jun 30 12:41 | A-20 uses ground Intel | Sgt Usaf77 (UK/AF) |
Jun 30 03:50 | Ballsukin | Sgt Kauhu88 (DE/NV) |
Jun 29 01:51 | death from above!! | Maj Fox403 (UK/AR) |
Jun 28 16:44 | Defence of Grobbendonk, 28/06 | Lt Lowe (UK/AR) |
Jun 27 19:50 | Prum ZOC | Corp Reptard (UK/AR) |
Jun 27 15:34 | Liberation of Losheim | Capt Weiker (DE/AR) |
Jun 26 21:01 | 111 bombs now even kill? | Corp Kauhu88 (DE/AF) |
Jun 23 01:55 | Bombs away! | Lnc Corp Welly (UK/AF) |
Jun 22 18:54 | 7 down, 493 to go... | Lt Col Madplan0 (DE/AR) |
Jun 22 01:14 | Jarny Combat Air Patrol -- Jun... | Maj Infinity (UK/AF) |
Jun 20 12:59 | jackpot | Sgt Maj Karas (FR/AR) |
Jun 19 11:50 | Knife Kill on LMG | Maj Speed68 (UK/AR) |
Jun 19 11:26 | Big win... untimate battle | 2nd Lt Bzrdbird (DE/AR) |
Jun 18 04:46 | Allied infantry push for St. T... | Capt Rampski (DE/AR) |
Jun 15 08:37 | Woo rammed | Sgt Vanowen (DE/AF) |
Jun 14 22:15 | Pot Shots | Pvt Channelcat (FR/AR) |
Jun 14 19:44 | The Battling Bastards of Bouil... | QM Sgt Rabidx (DE/AR) |