Allied Newslines

Axis Newslines

Battleground Blockbusters

News from CRS

Every rifle counts

Current Campaign - 62
Campaign 61 - Allied victory
Campaign 58 - Axis Victory
Campaign records

Report for duty to this first-person, online action game where players choose to fight alongsid and against thousands of other players on the battlefields of western europe. Grab a rifle and experience heart-stopping infantry action or choose to advance your skills in one of dozens of accurately modeled combat vehicles, naval vessels or aircraft. Succeed and help the cause of the Allied or Axis forces. Fail and watch your side get pushed back and struggle for a foothold. Features the armies, vehicles, weapons and equipment found on the battlefields of Western lEurope 1939-1942.


Tuck new Axis CinC

(January 14th - Oberkommando der Achsenmächte)
(OKA) In a ceremony attended by soldaten from all along the frontlines, Generalfeldmarschall Tuck recieved the promotion to Commander in Chief from retired Generalfeldmarschall Jammyman. When word on the turnover reached the smashed up french and british fronline across the western coast of France the last remaining Shermans stepped on it and headed out on the shores in an attempt to save themselves. Jammyman ended his CinC term with a win and the pressure to follow up with a win will now be on Tuck.



(January 11th - Battleground Europe)
(BE) As Wehrmacht closes in on the last factories and the BEF is sent back to their Island, the battle of Montreuil have begun. With just a few cities left before the west coast of France, Germany can smell the victory from the last factories of the Allies. FAF have sent all their armor to the front and waves of Shermans are trying to push the advancing Wehrmacht back eastwards but to no avail.

Texas hold em

(Jan 11th - Cornered Rat Software)
(CRS) Cornered Rat Rafter announced: " Big thanks to Tenpin for helping get this together. We hope everyone enjoys it. We'll roll out some fun poker events after 1.28 gets out and we've got a little more time. Have fun!" Play it here

Blast from the past: Campaign 24


Zombie night a success

(January 10th - 3rd Panzergruppe)
(OKW) Oberfeldwebel Slob, 3rd Panzergruppe reports from Zombie Night on OKW Teamspeak: " ..yeah, i was the only person that talked like a zombie, but i think it's going to be huge in the future. dernits talked like a vampire and should be kicked out of the squad, but that is a discussion for the senior staff. it's against the rules to talk like something other than a zombie on zombie night right?"


Excitements a Killer

(January 1st - Combats Stats & Records)
(ArFr) Sgt. Major Adnick, ArFr, reported from the battlefield: " A 232 had the infantry tents well-covered. So I found a space by some crates from which I could fire on the advancing sappers. I spied a light mortar and took out their position, allowing me room to advance. Circling through the bushes behind the enemy, I took them out one-by-one, as they were focused on our firebase."


(January 2nd - Combat Stats & Records)
(OKH) The german army reported today that they had fresh reports on mortar kills from the battlefield. Infantry armed with a light mortar have seen action during 24 776 sorties and less then a third of the mortars could return to base, almost 7 out of ten died during combat and the average time spent on mission was 5 minutes. They reported 9207 confirmed kills since war broke out on the western front, 9 174 on enemy land units, 28 aircrafts and 5 enemy ships, including a french destroyer (the only confirmed mortar kill on a warship this far). Among the top 10 mortarmen on the battlefield 7 are from the german army and 3 from the french, the #1 is Oberstleutnant Swiftcut who also holds the #1 Top Killer ranking.
Follow the development over at Combat Stats & Records.

Twitter / corneredrats

After Action Reports

Jun 30 12:41 A-20 uses ground Intel Sgt Usaf77 (UK/AF)
Jun 30 03:50 Ballsukin Sgt Kauhu88 (DE/NV)
Jun 29 01:51 death from above!! Maj Fox403 (UK/AR)
Jun 28 16:44 Defence of Grobbendonk, 28/06 Lt Lowe (UK/AR)
Jun 27 19:50 Prum ZOC Corp Reptard (UK/AR)
Jun 27 15:34 Liberation of Losheim Capt Weiker (DE/AR)
Jun 26 21:01 111 bombs now even kill? Corp Kauhu88 (DE/AF)
Jun 23 01:55 Bombs away! Lnc Corp Welly (UK/AF)
Jun 22 18:54 7 down, 493 to go... Lt Col Madplan0 (DE/AR)
Jun 22 01:14 Jarny Combat Air Patrol -- Jun... Maj Infinity (UK/AF)
Jun 20 12:59 jackpot Sgt Maj Karas (FR/AR)
Jun 19 11:50 Knife Kill on LMG Maj Speed68 (UK/AR)
Jun 19 11:26 Big win... untimate battle 2nd Lt Bzrdbird (DE/AR)
Jun 18 04:46 Allied infantry push for St. T... Capt Rampski (DE/AR)
Jun 15 08:37 Woo rammed Sgt Vanowen (DE/AF)
Jun 14 22:15 Pot Shots Pvt Channelcat (FR/AR)
Jun 14 19:44 The Battling Bastards of Bouil... QM Sgt Rabidx (DE/AR)

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