How OT was created by Fredrik1It is true that of which they tell. That one the first day, in the beggining of all things, Rafter decended down the stairs into the serverroom and said
"Let there be forums!" in which we can have several subsections that would cover discussions all from navy to infantry, and he saw that it was good.
On the second day he once again visited the serverroom, this time he said "Let there be gameplay forums!" in which users can praise and civliy discuss our product.
He saw that it was not so, and he divided it, creating four beasts..
the Barracks - which held the beast head.
the Hangar & the Motorpool together formed the arms, legs and torso..
lastly the Hangar was made from the beasts left pinkytoe..
Then on the third day he once again visited the serverroom, this time he told of a forum unlike any other.. he took everything he could think of, and grinded it into the 'nix machine that holds all life.. the he created OT..
and he saw that his creation was complete..
Then he accidently tilted his coffey mug, pouring the black liquid onto the server farm..
It took three more days to replace the server, and on the seventh day he rested..
and that is how Rafter created OT in only a week.