A world war II online: Battleground Europe, Webzine. News since 2004. Best viewed in 1280x1024 with Firefox.
The City was already under cap and the AB was the last to resist. As we jumped we knew it were seconds away before the bunker would be capped. I came down right infront of the bunker entrance and raised my lmg to clean the bunker. I killed one ei at the murderhole and another one, which was already counting the seconds till he would cap the bunker.
A few others came to aid with the bunker defense as the enemy was spawing through their cps into town. With the help of the pilot Todegera we managed to get a few waves of paras for the help to liberate the town.
While the HC was preparing the assault on other cities, the following stand to resist the enemy in Stenay:Every enemy entering the bunker found a quick death. After several minutes, we were told to give up Stenay. Most of us brave soldiers died in battle anywayand just mrsnow5 from the 1775th and me stayed alive in the bunker while ei after ei tried to sneak up. We decided to stay untill we would find the heros death. With exceptional precision mrsnow5 mowed down the enemy... till.. till they stopped. No enemy was showing up anymore.
As no enemy showed up anymore we decided, that it was the right decision to liberate this town and not give it up. mrsnow5 brought me out of the bunker and led the way, because I was wounded and almost blind. With my little eyelight I guarded while he took back CP after CP. As it looks we stopped the enemy breakthrough at Stenay and gave HC valuable time to prepare the attack on the french towns. After succesful mission mrsnow5 and me returned to base.
mrsnow5 mission: http://events.wwiionline.com/scripts/services/persona/sortie.jsp?sid=2851676&pid=611498&page=1
zkai mission:
Special thanks to the 1775th for having such a fine soldier like mrsnow5, a very reliable and good soldier!
Jun 30 12:41 | A-20 uses ground Intel | Sgt Usaf77 (UK/AF) |
Jun 30 03:50 | Ballsukin | Sgt Kauhu88 (DE/NV) |
Jun 29 01:51 | death from above!! | Maj Fox403 (UK/AR) |
Jun 28 16:44 | Defence of Grobbendonk, 28/06 | Lt Lowe (UK/AR) |
Jun 27 19:50 | Prum ZOC | Corp Reptard (UK/AR) |
Jun 27 15:34 | Liberation of Losheim | Capt Weiker (DE/AR) |
Jun 26 21:01 | 111 bombs now even kill? | Corp Kauhu88 (DE/AF) |
Jun 23 01:55 | Bombs away! | Lnc Corp Welly (UK/AF) |
Jun 22 18:54 | 7 down, 493 to go... | Lt Col Madplan0 (DE/AR) |
Jun 22 01:14 | Jarny Combat Air Patrol -- Jun... | Maj Infinity (UK/AF) |
Jun 20 12:59 | jackpot | Sgt Maj Karas (FR/AR) |
Jun 19 11:50 | Knife Kill on LMG | Maj Speed68 (UK/AR) |
Jun 19 11:26 | Big win... untimate battle | 2nd Lt Bzrdbird (DE/AR) |
Jun 18 04:46 | Allied infantry push for St. T... | Capt Rampski (DE/AR) |
Jun 15 08:37 | Woo rammed | Sgt Vanowen (DE/AF) |
Jun 14 22:15 | Pot Shots | Pvt Channelcat (FR/AR) |
Jun 14 19:44 | The Battling Bastards of Bouil... | QM Sgt Rabidx (DE/AR) |