Flieger David06, Luftwaffe reported from the war up in the skies:
Apr 21 16:12 Gilze Airfield
Flying CAS low over Roosdaal. Luftwaffe fighters were keeping EA preoccupied. Used below-rear gunner to spot targets. Dropped 1-2 bombs at a time. Ground situation was very confusing; buildings made bombing armor even more difficult. Unsuccessfully bombed a Char and S35, bombed two other green contacts; Those must have been the Pans. Sustained a hit from an ET cannon; No significant damage.
Heinkel 111 from Gilze. Ended with 4 kills.
Apr 21 16:01 Gilze Airfield
Flying CAS low over Roosdaal. Dropped some bombs on west CP. There was an ET west outside of town firing at my plane. Was hit, but no serious damage. After another bombing run, rolled my He111 too low, and hit a tree.
Heinkel 111 from Gilze. Ended with 1 kill.
Apr 21 16:41 Gilze Airfield
CAS over Roosendaal with He111. Flying low over town; made it to target fine, but Luftwaffe support was lacking and AA was also inadequate. Tried to bomb north CP several times, every time there was a fighter diving in. Our AA guns at the AA were really disappointing. Once again, allied fighters have the luxury of being low and slow over target; and that is what matters in this game.
Heinkel 111 from Gilze. Ended with 0 kills.
Apr 21 16:55 Gilze Airfield
Was BARCAP'ing the airfield south of Roosendaal, missed two bounces primarily because I'll still used to the fw190, and compression was a serious issue diving from 3k on to a plane. Saw "bigwoody" down low with a hawk and another EA; I tangled a bit there scoring a cannon hit on one hawk, when I saw a spitfire 500m below returning from target. 300m off, wasted much cannon but scored hits and white smoke-trail; He made it to enemy AAA, and I broke off west. D520 dived on me, I evaded once, twice, and continued east. D520 stll on my long six, was running for home when I lost connection exactly as I received a few plinks.
Bf109E4 from Gilze. Ended with 2 kills.