From the CSR records here.
Origin: Evere Airfield, Brussels, Belgium
Target: Rhenania-Ossag Oil Refinery, Dusseldorf, Germany
Started Aug 11, 2009 in a DB7 from Brussels. Ended with 0 kills and 0 captures.
"Northern Whirlwind" took part in a small unescorted high altitude single bomber raid to bomb the newly repaired Rhenania-Ossag Oil Refinery in the city of Dusseldorf, Germany.
No enemy aircraft were encountered en-route to the target, light anti-aircraft fire was encountered over the target area.
The bomb run was made in the day with medium cloud over the target, BDA reports that the factory took light damage during the attack and will require further sorties.
The squadron returned to Evere Airfield and landed, no casualties.
M. J. Dixon, Pilot - "Northern Whirlwind"
Colour Sergeant Mjdixon1
Aug 11, 2009
Mission 12: Sortie AAR Previous missions: Logbook