Firefly7 reports: " I spawned a sherman M4 from the Ronse-Brakel Fb, and proceeded to roll towards the town of Brakel (Allied defense then Axis capped after battle. I figured there would still be some leftover enemy tanks that were heading towards our FB after their victory, but as i got closer, the terrain got interesting and i realized this would be a really fun place for a tank battle.
Then i get a PM from Plectii, who was another sherm in the area. We were both laying low for a while, and he kept relaying me info about anything coming out of the town or anything that was around us, as i did for him. After an opel or two, and killing a couple ei, he reported a panzer was closing in on us. A stuart had gone up the hill that i was underneath, as i figured it would be a good ambush point. After a little bit, I started getting pounded by something to my right. I never saw what it was until it stopped firing, as neither of us could kill each other for 20 seconds of firing. I finally recognized it as a pz4g, and it despawned. After a while of changing positions, i killed a stug that plectii had reported, and was engaged with it. Throughout this sortie we were both letting each other know what the hell was going on, and he saved my life a few times, reporting a sapper in the area :)
After a while, plectii reported a tiger, and eventually we realized that we had been fairly well exposed. A sapper and the tiger eventually got plectii, and i almost got killed by a sapper after i saw him over a small ridge close near me. After killing a couple opels, i was finally caught off guard shooting one of the opels and got sapped out of my mind, by Tootalll, who caught me at the exact right moment for him hehe :)
It was really fun though, working as a team with even one other player, so i hope to do this more with squadies and people who happen to be in the area in the future :)"
Started Oct 06, 2009 in a Sherman M4a2 from Ronse. Ended with 8 kills and 0 captures.AAR Sortie Service