Allied Newslines

Axis Newslines

Battleground Blockbusters

News from CRS

Every rifle counts

Current Campaign - 62
Campaign 61 - Allied victory
Campaign 58 - Axis Victory
Campaign records

Report for duty to this first-person, online action game where players choose to fight alongsid and against thousands of other players on the battlefields of western europe. Grab a rifle and experience heart-stopping infantry action or choose to advance your skills in one of dozens of accurately modeled combat vehicles, naval vessels or aircraft. Succeed and help the cause of the Allied or Axis forces. Fail and watch your side get pushed back and struggle for a foothold. Features the armies, vehicles, weapons and equipment found on the battlefields of Western lEurope 1939-1942.


Pocket of Desperation

(May 13th - Oberkommando der Wehrmacht)
(OKW) The beating of french and british forces in Western Europe continues. A large continent of the British Expeditionary Forces have been cut of from their homeland and fight desperatly together with french resistance pockets to halt 6. Armee´s flanking movement wich started days ago with Breskens, continued along the coast down to Lille and now completely cut off a large chunk of France from the remains. 12. Armee have continued to advance in the south and holds the Meuse, while detachments joined the flanking movement and preprations for Operation Sealion. Morale is reported to be extremely low amongst the Allies and full brigades have surrended to the Axis War machine.

It has been argued that there is an imblance and that the Allies lack High Commanders. A quick look at the rosters shows that this is of course not true, that´s 16 versus 6 on the highest level! Could it be numbers then? France have 219,533 sorties, the BEF 213,861 and Wehrmacht 456,332, that´s an 22938 sortie favour for Axis versus Allies, looking back at previous campaigns it´s not significant. The question remain for some then, what is it? Axis News, believes it´s about squads and morale. A good base of squads for the players breeds dedicated Commanders and good Commanders and strong squads (not nessecarily large) keeps up morale regardless of Campaign outcomes.

Allies Central High Command
ONEMAN, Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces BALLEW, Chief of Staff of the Allied Forces BARELY8, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Allied Forces USMC83, Administration - Commanding Officer, CinC Staff GILMOUR, Administration - Executive Officer, CinC Staff KC23, DDOP - Commanding Officer, CinC Staff HAIKUGOD, DDOP - Executive Officer, CinC Staff KILEMALL, DDOP - Staff Officer I, CinC Staff WOLFIE69, Communications - Commanding Officer, CinC Staff WJE, Communications - Executive Officer, CinC Staff SGTFURY, Training - Commanding Officer, CinC Staff B2K, Training - Executive Officer, CinC Staff SALADOR, Commander in Chief of the BEF, Commander QUIZNO, Chief of Staff of the BEF, Chief of Staff MIESTROX, Commander in Chief of the ArFr, Commander WOLFXX, Chief of Staff of the ArFr, Chief of Staff.

Axis Central High Command
PTXL, Oberbefehlshaber der Achsenmächte, XL2DYLAR, 1a Im Fuhrungstab der Achsenmächte GASPIPE, 1c Im Fuhrungsstab der Achsenmächte
SVEDALA, Kommandeur des Propagandakorps JAMMYMAN, Oberbefehlshaber der Oberkommando der Wehrmacht KEIRON, Chef der Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.

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After Action Reports

Jun 30 12:41 A-20 uses ground Intel Sgt Usaf77 (UK/AF)
Jun 30 03:50 Ballsukin Sgt Kauhu88 (DE/NV)
Jun 29 01:51 death from above!! Maj Fox403 (UK/AR)
Jun 28 16:44 Defence of Grobbendonk, 28/06 Lt Lowe (UK/AR)
Jun 27 19:50 Prum ZOC Corp Reptard (UK/AR)
Jun 27 15:34 Liberation of Losheim Capt Weiker (DE/AR)
Jun 26 21:01 111 bombs now even kill? Corp Kauhu88 (DE/AF)
Jun 23 01:55 Bombs away! Lnc Corp Welly (UK/AF)
Jun 22 18:54 7 down, 493 to go... Lt Col Madplan0 (DE/AR)
Jun 22 01:14 Jarny Combat Air Patrol -- Jun... Maj Infinity (UK/AF)
Jun 20 12:59 jackpot Sgt Maj Karas (FR/AR)
Jun 19 11:50 Knife Kill on LMG Maj Speed68 (UK/AR)
Jun 19 11:26 Big win... untimate battle 2nd Lt Bzrdbird (DE/AR)
Jun 18 04:46 Allied infantry push for St. T... Capt Rampski (DE/AR)
Jun 15 08:37 Woo rammed Sgt Vanowen (DE/AF)
Jun 14 22:15 Pot Shots Pvt Channelcat (FR/AR)
Jun 14 19:44 The Battling Bastards of Bouil... QM Sgt Rabidx (DE/AR)

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