A long time ago in a forum not that far away, the idea of World War II Online´s OT Community as a force to be reckond with was borned. OT decided that the community had so much to give and riots althou fun was not enough, the word and culture had to be spread across the Interwebs. This was the sole purpose of the Interwebs when Al Gore invented it, invasion. Denw2o brought up the subject again and the belief to spread the word OT style still live, the latest large scale invasion is till going on and it´s in World 3 of the free webbrowser game, Tribal War. The OT or known as The OT Brotherhood invaded and formed what now is a 800 men and women strong organisation which is now in world war with the whole world and holding strong, such is the impact that 8 out of 10 threads in World 3 forum are about OT! But no invasion is like the invasion of Second Life, that finally called for the company to shut down a whole area and ban most OT´ers for life. Watch a video about it
http://www.hss.rpi.edu/streaming/con...2006_8_930.asx (skip to minute 56 of the video). Read the thread
http://discussions.playnet.com/showthread.php?t=125382 in OT.
Invasion of Furry Land (Picture by Gewehr98) Some dumbass flies a jet into the late Clint (Picture by Gewehr98)
Zeroace: “ That's amazing. The only thing that ever slowed down or killed WW2OLers was biased Linden interference. When matched against other players, they were unstoppable. Most of the WW2OLer's weren't even southerners - Just anti-hippy, anti-politicial correctness, anti-liberal artsy furry types. Which pretty much describes the bulk of Second Life's population.”
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