(August 20th - 13e Régiment de Dragons)
(BE) Reported by Sergeant
Terribad, 13e Régiment de Dragons: On my mission to defend Tilburg and help to recap it I ran south from the MSP to the East border of Tilburg. I went in looking for action but for the first 40 minutes realized that from where I was at, there was none to be had. There were multiple enemy tanks firing off in the distance, all I could do was mark and hope a friendly tank or AT gun or possibly a sapper could get them in time before they started pushing hard for tilburg from the east. I decided to keep heading south, marking along the way as my battle was going to be one fought on the outside of town - not in.
Eventually I had come across cover that would bring me to the East road that headed north. I could see from where I was laying prone a perfect view of enemy armor and infantry rolling in from the east. I continued to mark, only as I had gotten closer, the marks became more accurate. I even sent word to a nearby ATG whow as in tow on that east road to come to my position. He landed clean shots right under the turret of a panzer IVg. the others near town took care of the rest in the area (armored car, 2 Tigers and a handful of EI around them). I had earlier seen an opel truck heading south, but had lost visual of it. I decided to continue heading south after telling the ATGunner what a nice job he did. The ATGunner then called his buddy in the laffly to come pick him up - he was coming from the south on the east road of Tilburg. I heard shots and the sound of bullets ricocheting off the truck, so I started to sprint towards it in the bushline. He started saying he was hit and sure enough when I poked my head out of the bushline there was a german SMG running after the truck right in the middle of the road! I waited until he got closer and let forth a burst from my own SMG, effectivley killing him. The truck and ATG were still by me and I yelled for them to take off as I saw another german infantryman run into the bushes from the other side of the road a little ways down - I started to crawl... no less than 10 seconds later I hear the sound of boots thumping and the jingling of gear coming towards me, so I waited. Sure enough here comes a high ranking member of the german army running right over me and then out into the open! I lined him up as fast as I could and let forth two bursts into his torso - down he went. I pressed on south and yet again heard the same all too familiar sound of infantry running my way. This time an ATR, running not in the bushline, but on side of it! I snuck out lay down directly in front of him and let forth 1 solid burst of about 5 bullets, down he went. By this time I had called for help as I knew these guys had to be coming from somewhere close.
As I continued my slow crawl I had noticed a couple of friendly infantryman had rallied behind me a little way north of my location, I heard the sound of multiple EI coming and this time as they run over me I held my fire and warned the guys up the road of what was coming their way so that they could set up - I soon heard the sound of gun shot and noticed that the friendly icons on my map were still there. Once again, I heard the sound of another pair of boots running my way and yet again it was another german SMG wielding officer. I stepped out as he passed me and let fly 3 bursts into his back. I had gotten back into the bushes when someone had just marked the location of the enemy mobile spawn! It was directly across the street from where I lay in the bushes.
I ran to the other side of the road just in time to see it go up in flames. I scanned the area for any straggling EI and saw that I had come into the company of friendly Infantry all around my position - I felt safe at that point and at that exact moment we had finished capping Tilburg. I sent a message to a laffly passing by carrying an ATG and a friendly infantryman and hitched a ride back to the allies newly acquired town of Tilburg. We picked up a few more roaming infantry on the way and successfully RTB'd. To date, this has been one of the times I truly felt safe going back to base after a mission. It was a long sortie that in the end gave me a reward greater than a mere couple of points - it gave me pride in my chosen side...
S! Allies!
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