Allied Newslines

Axis Newslines

Battleground Blockbusters

News from CRS

Every rifle counts

Current Campaign - 62
Campaign 61 - Allied victory
Campaign 58 - Axis Victory
Campaign records

Report for duty to this first-person, online action game where players choose to fight alongsid and against thousands of other players on the battlefields of western europe. Grab a rifle and experience heart-stopping infantry action or choose to advance your skills in one of dozens of accurately modeled combat vehicles, naval vessels or aircraft. Succeed and help the cause of the Allied or Axis forces. Fail and watch your side get pushed back and struggle for a foothold. Features the armies, vehicles, weapons and equipment found on the battlefields of Western lEurope 1939-1942.


Depot campers, the goldfarmers of Battleground Europe

Every game has them, the players that for one reason or another doesn't want to be a part of providing a good gaming enviroment for everyone and some games doesn't have that many who wants to provide and play by a sort of conduct that gives all a good gaming experience, fortunatly Battleground Europe has alot of teamplayers and generally just nice persons. You've seen it before it's in almost every game, goldfarmers making money buy selling something valuable in the game your playing. They're hated, some might like them for not having to grind for months to get a certain item or they just sell you a top notch account so you don't have to go thru the noob stage. They do make those items they sell by grinding, annoying and showing a total lack of respect, you've problably experienced it in World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings online, Age of Conan and if you're fortunate not in Warhammer Online as they set out to destroy them, kudos to the developers!

Like the view? This can be yours for 50 sorties straight!

So what does goldfarming has to do with Battleground Europe? Well, nothing really, buying an account isn't really that interesting and you can't buy items or anything, it's a war, all you got is your skill and reputation, that's if you care about your missions and campaigns. What is the most annyoing thing in Battleground Europe? Apart from glitches, bugs the occasional cdt you might experience (might is the word here, not everyone suffers from it), I would have to go with depot campers, those who choose to remain inside a depot when it's captured and shoot everyone who spawns in. Mind that you are shot before beeing able to move or anything. Just because you can do it, you can choose not to. You don't have to follow a code of chivalry, just some common sense, if you can kill someone before they are able to move your just executing that players avatar and gaming experience. This should be a big no-no for the High Commands, un-fortunatly it's not.

So why bring up the subject? Well I was just pwnd twice
Sortie after a heroic coop capture of the spawnable in Diest. You go from heroic effort to beeing executed, you get somehwat pissed, and usually only goldfarmers get me pissed in MMO's. On the other hand I do not think it's wrong to kill vehicles in a firebase o armybase before they spawn in, that is the way you supress it, I would not go into the infantry spawn thou and if I am inside a barrack and they AB is lost, I leave it, even if I know it means certain death. Why, because you should always be able to spawn infantry, always have an option and also, infantry beeing the new players first option it is important that they get some good experience of the game and not just be experience points for som asshat who pads his statistics. Also if you let players spawn into a depot you will enjoy a good town fight with all the adrenaline rushes you need for a week to come. CRS currently have a poll when you logg into the gaming world, if you want depot campaing to go so vote yes for that and a better gaming experience.

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After Action Reports

Jun 30 12:41 A-20 uses ground Intel Sgt Usaf77 (UK/AF)
Jun 30 03:50 Ballsukin Sgt Kauhu88 (DE/NV)
Jun 29 01:51 death from above!! Maj Fox403 (UK/AR)
Jun 28 16:44 Defence of Grobbendonk, 28/06 Lt Lowe (UK/AR)
Jun 27 19:50 Prum ZOC Corp Reptard (UK/AR)
Jun 27 15:34 Liberation of Losheim Capt Weiker (DE/AR)
Jun 26 21:01 111 bombs now even kill? Corp Kauhu88 (DE/AF)
Jun 23 01:55 Bombs away! Lnc Corp Welly (UK/AF)
Jun 22 18:54 7 down, 493 to go... Lt Col Madplan0 (DE/AR)
Jun 22 01:14 Jarny Combat Air Patrol -- Jun... Maj Infinity (UK/AF)
Jun 20 12:59 jackpot Sgt Maj Karas (FR/AR)
Jun 19 11:50 Knife Kill on LMG Maj Speed68 (UK/AR)
Jun 19 11:26 Big win... untimate battle 2nd Lt Bzrdbird (DE/AR)
Jun 18 04:46 Allied infantry push for St. T... Capt Rampski (DE/AR)
Jun 15 08:37 Woo rammed Sgt Vanowen (DE/AF)
Jun 14 22:15 Pot Shots Pvt Channelcat (FR/AR)
Jun 14 19:44 The Battling Bastards of Bouil... QM Sgt Rabidx (DE/AR)

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