(October 1st - 3rd Panzergruppe News archive)
(3.PzG) Going thru old archives can be fun sometimes, especially when you find news that goes back 5 years and is about what happend excactly 5 years ago. Here's a gem from 3rd Panzergruppes newssection that day, 5 years ago. Try it for yourself, The Wayback Archive.
Kokko steps down as the CinC Wednesday, October 01 2003 @ 16:17:15 EDT by keln
Today, Oberbefehlshaber Kokko retired his position as Commander in Chief of the Axis Forces. In his farwell letter, he did not give a specific reason for retiring, but stated that he would "take a vacation (and) come back as a grunt". He also stated that the lower ranks of the GHC have fresh officers with fresh new ideas, and extended his gratitude to the commanders in the field for "making it possible for us to be us". His resignation is effective today. Vasquez takes the mantle of CinC effective immediatly.
1 comment:
Lovely! Very well-done! :)
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