(Oct 08, 2008 . Combat Stats & Records)
(AHC) Corporal Hither9 reported: " I was riding in a truck on the road to Hallschlag, daydreaming about my sweetheart back home, when BAM, all of the sudden, the Beddy blows a tire, and lands in the ditch sideways. I crawl out of the wreckage, miraculously unhurt, only to watch one of my mates get taken out by a german rifle right in front of my eyes. I was lucky enough to snap off a shot before Gerry could bring his rifle to bear on me. BANG, down goes the German rifleman.
I figure if there's one rifle around, there's probably more, so I break for the forest across the road. I sprint as fast as I can into the forest on the east side of the road. I threw myself down behind a bush as I spot a sniper moving towards my injured mates and the rolled truck. Somehow, he doesn't spot me, and as he's setting up in the bush I hid behind, I sneak up and BAM, square in the back, another German won't be fighting my mates and I anymore. I quickly regain my breath, and make another mad dash for a ditch ahead of me, hoping that my luck is better than Gerry's today.
It must be, as during my mad dash, I hear a LMG open up to my right, puffs of dust appear all around me, I look, and there in the middle of a clearing in the forest, is the LMG. I drop prone, take aim and fire. One shot, one kill. Made it into the ditch, where I rest up, adrenalin racing through me, unable to believe that I'm still in one peice. I poke my head over the edge of the ditch, and lo and behold, I see two germans sneaking along a distant ridgeline. I bring my trusty rifle to bear, and after trading shots with the two infantrymen, realize that I've bagged two more of Gerry's finest. I crawl towards the AB along the ditch, tracers from a MG tower zipping by just over my head. I make a break for a group of bushes, when BAM, I feel the most excruciating pain in my side. I realized that my luck had run out, but at least I had sent a handful of Gerrys best ahead of me to hell......"
Started Oct 08, 2008 in a British Rifleman from Hallschlag. Ended with 5 kills and 0 captures.
AAR Sortie
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